Making a cover for the Metal God is obviously a true privilege, whatever be the style required for the project. For this release, I originally proposed something very dramatic and elaborated in the line of the fantasy genre (something more in "Bergamin style"), but ultimatelly Mr. Halford and his management decided to go for something much more simple and straight forward... which I think is very reasonable.
The image featured behind Rob Halford is the Saitama Super Arena Building (Japan). Photo material of the arena from that angle at nightime were unavailable so I have to paint it from scratch using small res pictures as reference. This was a very important directive; they wanted the arena in the cover.
The image featured behind Rob Halford is the Saitama Super Arena Building (Japan). Photo material of the arena from that angle at nightime were unavailable so I have to paint it from scratch using small res pictures as reference. This was a very important directive; they wanted the arena in the cover.
Click on image to enlarge